Wow! Summer has come and gone
and we have so much to share!
We kicked the summer off by traveling
with a team from our local church
here in Tennessee to Honduras. We
stayed at Forgotten Children
Ministries. What a privilege it was to
join other missionaries there on the
ground in an effort to support the
ministry in which God has placed them
in ministering to precious children and
their community.
You all know our hearts and our
desire to look for opportunities to
love, serve and encourage those
leading in ministry and missions
wherever we go and God continues
to open the doors.
We both were given several
opportunities for one on one
conversations to get to know and
begin building relationships with a
husband and wife team there on the
ground leading the
orphanage/ministry. On this trip,
Hydrate Global Ministries was
blessed to partner with our church’s
mission team to provide the sweet
missionary family with a surprise
baby shower as they were expecting
their second child. What a sweet
time we had with them and all of the
precious kids at the orphanage! We
have stayed in contact with the
missionaries there and are happy to
report that momma gave birth to a
sweet litle girl in July!
In early August we returned to
Honduras but to a different location
and for a different purpose. It was our
first “official trip” as Hydrate Global
Ministries and we had a blast! A local
pastor and missionary family (friends)
hosted us for the week. Scott had
opportunities to preach and speak
with pastors. Shannon shared with
women’s groups and churches, but our
favorite was the ‘day to day’ activities.
Sharing life, family photos (pic below),
and laughing and crying together.
Staying in the homes of missionaries,
traveling around the country with a
local pastor and meeting new leaders
in ministry was definitely a highlight!
We love learning more about their
culture and everyday way of life but
ultimately, in our conversations we
continue to learn that when it comes
to juggling ministry, our marriages
and raising families we all have so
much in common.
Relationship building is the
core of our ministry. The
Great Commission is all about
relationships, therefore, we
will continue to meet people
where they are and
encourage them in
discipleship, with words of
affirmation and acts of love
and service.
We are so excited to see how God will
continue to lead Hydrate Global
Ministries and provide each step along
the way. He has been and we know that
He will continue to be faithful!
We are truly grateful for all who continue to
message us, follow us, give and support in every
way. Listed below are a few prayer request and
personal needs as we depend on the ongoing
prayers and support of others.
“I thank my God in all my remembrance of you,
always in every prayer of mine for you all making my
prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the
gospel from the first day until now.” Phil. 1: 3-5